Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A word of Encouragement to those I Love...

To those friends and family members (you know who you are) that are going through tough times lately...whatever that entails, I want you to know that I am here for you; as an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a caretaker, or an excuse to "go out" to step away from life sometimes. We all go through tough times (and I know I have been through some) and I want to thank you for being there for me. I just hope that I can be the same for you when times are rough on your end too. Chicas, I do love you all...my sisters and "the girls". I may have a few friends in my life but you have done the love and work of 100 and I wouldn't trade that for anything more. I love you all....and don't give up...I'm here if you need me:) Love ya chicas:)

1 comment:

suzi blu said...

I used to go to Mercer college I soo lived right next to you! I am near philly now. I graduate in may and I dont know where to go!!